Sunday, April 13, 2008

CVS: Look what I got for $3.97 today!

Everything in the picture plus a bottle of Gatorade (99 cents) and some peanut butter crackers (40 cents - needed a filler). I did this in 3 separate transactions, but I can't post it all right now as I'm making dinner.
Basically I got $62.68 worth of products for $3.97! Plus I made $25 in ECB's!
By the way, that Nexxus gift set IS working for the deal this week.

Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow!

[Edit: I started with $22 ECB's and grouped the transactions like this:
1) 2 Benefiber and Pepcid AC - used $5/$15 and 2 - $2 off Benefiber coupons
2) Nexxus gift set and 3 waters - used $5/$15
3) Nexxus shampoo and 2 detergents (BOGO) - $5/$15 and $1 off detergent (printable)]

If you haven't started CVSing yet, it's a great time to start!
Let me know if you need any help or saw any other great deals out there!


Anonymous said...

Incredible! How did you do it? How many ECBs did you start with? I need some laundry detergent and BENEFIBER!

OnlyOnSale said...

Hey! Where did you get the 5/15? I REALLY could use one! Thanks! -Amanda

Cassie - Homeschooling Four said...

Great job! I'm not sure what I am going to do this week.
BTW, I wanted to thank you for your comment on Crystal's blog about my post.

Anonymous said...

that's amazing. and i'm totally jealous.

Jen said...

Onlyonsale: The $5/$15 was part of a program that you had to sign up for. They have since pulled the coupon from the site, and the coupon is expired. However, I saved a copy of mine, and the managers around here said we can still use it as long as we are "regular customers." Have you updated your e-mail with yet? If not, you could do so and they will e-mail you a $4/$20.

Growing Hearts said...

You go, girl!!! Way to go!! That is awesome!!