Friday, March 26, 2010

Passover is coming!

Passover begins this Monday night!  I can't believe it's here already.  This festival is extremely fun and joyful as we celebrate the Exodus from Egypt.  It is also incredibly spiritual and can be life-changing.  In the next few days, there will be a flurry of activity in homes throughout the world, removing chametz (leaven) from every corner.  As we do this, let us not neglect to clear out the chametz from our hearts.  This is the present-day Exodus.  Each of us must daily remember that we are not slaves of the world, but we are set free in Messiah to be "slaves unto righteousness" (Romans 6:18).  When we allow the chametz of pride, anger and unforgiveness to remain in our hearts, we are acting as slaves to this world and its bondages (John 8:34).  Therefore, let us remember the miracles of the past, and walk in them in the present!

Here are some Passover links:
Tammy has a great Matza Ball Soup recipe looks delish! 
Joanna at Fearlessly Feminine has had a great series here on "Getting the Leaven Out".
Aaron Eby wrote a great piece for Passover newbies (and oldies!) - 10 Tips for A Smooth Sailing Seder.

Pesach Sameach (Happy Passover)!

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