Friday, September 26, 2008

The Feast of Trumpets

Ahh, the Feast of Trumpets, also known as Yom Teruah, also known as Rosh HaShanah, also known as the Jewish New Year, also known as the Day of the Blowing of the Shofar, also known as the Birthday of the World, also known as the first of the "High Holy Days"...well, I think you get the point. A day known by any other name will still be as sweet!

Yes, this Biblical holiday is known by many names. From that perspective, one might draw the conclusion that this is a holiday that the Bible has a lot to speak. Actually, that is not the case. Yom Teruah, as it is called in Leviticus 23 (God's calendar), is spoken of only briefly throughout the entire Bible.

Here's what we do know about this holy day from Leviticus 23:

- It is to be celebrated on the 1st day of the 7th month (Tishri 1).

- It is to be a "day of complete rest."

- You are to have a "holy convocation."

- You are to sound the shofar, a ram's horn.

- You are to present an offering made by fire.

Sounds like a party, right? No work? Blowing horns? I'm there!

Here's how we celebrate Yom Teruah, 21st century style:

- Taking off a day or two from our occupations. Yes, people that follow the Biblical holidays do end up using quite a bit of PTO on these holidays.

- Going to synagogue or meeting with fellow believers (our version of a "holy convocation"). This is the time when people that you never see at synagogue decide to show up and have their annual rendezvous with God. Which is better than never, in my opinion. When God makes a few dates with you, at least keep one or two.

- Praying special prayers and singing special songs. The prayers and songs of this day focus on God as King, beautified by rich melodies.

- Having a big meal. This, of course, is the Biblical way to celebrate anything. Ok, maybe not Biblical. But the People of the Book sure do enjoy a good feast! Hey, they aren't called the Feasts of the LORD for nothing! We eat things like roast chicken or turkey, kugel, that stuff I'll never like called gefilte fish, tzimmes (think honey glazed carrots with prunes and other yummy stuff), honey cake and of course APPLES AND HONEY. I cannot overemphasize how important apples and honey are to the modern Rosh HaShanah festivities. You see, the theme of the day is "Have a SWEET New Year."

L'Shana Tovah! For a good new year!
For more on Rosh HaShanah, go here.

*Congratulations to our winners for the Rosh HaShanah giveaway:
1st prize = babybeth07
2nd prize = wendymom
Thanks for participating ladies!

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