Monday, May 5, 2008

And I will bring them back...

A few days ago I started, for the fifth time, re-reading Israel My Beloved by Kay Arthur. It is my favorite novel, and probably my second favorite book after the Bible. Although this book reads like a great work of fiction, full of passion and suspense, it is based on reality which makes it all the more relevant!

Using metaphors, Kay Arthur tells the story of history, between God and His people. Although the historical section of the book is amazingly detailed yet interesting, the part that I most treasure is regarding the present. In the book, the main character Sarah (Israel) is promised that although she has been unfaithful to her Husband, with great love He will draw her back.

This is so exciting, as we are seeing this exact thing happen before our very eyes. Actually today was dubbed "International Aliyah Day" because so many new immigrants from all over the world will be landing on Israeli soil today! Baruch HaShem (Praise God)!

Last night, my husband and another friend went to a major music festival in our city. The music artist we were watching was singing, "Jerusalem, if I forget you, let my right hand forget what it's supposed to do," a refrain that comes straight out of the Psalms. As he was singing, I looked around at the hundreds of people that probably don't even consider themselves "religious" mouthing those ancient words. Wow...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautifully worded, Jen. You have such talent with words. I see you as a Kay Arthur someday...